Live Events


Advanced Orthodontic Symposium

NOV 14-16, 2024

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Register by email (preferred) or call.

International Straight Wire & Orthopedics Seminars, (I.S.W.O.S) P.O. Box 411
North Prairie, WI. 53153-411
Email: [email protected]

Phone: 262-392-9465


May 01st and 22nd 2024: Newark New Jersey:

Clear Aligner Mini-Residency

Sponsor: Rutgers University School of Dentistry

Contact: Jacqueline Amjadi [email protected]

May 17th 2024: Uncaseville Connecticut:

Botox® in the management of TMD

Sponsor: Connecticut State Dental Association

Contact: Jacqueline Amjadi [email protected]

Feb 09th 2024: Ottawa Ontario:

Clear Aligner Update- the Latest and Greatest

Sponsor: Cerum Orthodontics

Contact : Stephani Wittmeier [email protected]